Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Why I Choose to be a Social Worker - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1775 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/03/18 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Social Work Essay Did you like this example? To quote Elie Wiesel, One person of integrity can make a difference. As I sit in the waiting room I cannot help but notice it is not as I imagined it would be. Colorful paintings hang on the walls all around me. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Why I Choose to be a Social Worker" essay for you Create order Beautiful flowers sit in front of me that are full of life. Even though my nerves feel scattered I cannot help but feel a sensation of calmness arise over me, as the door opens, and I see a friendly smile. I walk inside her office, sit down, and know I am going to get my life back. This is a personal synopsis of the beginning of my personal journey to conquer my anxiety. For most of my life, I felt I was a normal, worry-free person. Growing up, you hear many individuals aspirations, such as helping people, to be the change in someones life. However, what happens when individuals face obstacles they feel like can block them from making a difference in someones life? I did not always have anxiety. When having anxiety, you worry about everything! To many, having a mental illness like anxiety is tiring, draining, and a lot to carry at times. On the other hand, it teaches one to understand others who deal with similar cognitive distortions. You can see how lifes moments affect society in a diverse way. When I started cognitive behavioral therapy, I noticed how much having someone to trust can heal you. I allowed my therapist to see my insecurities, knowing she would never use them against me. Seeing the change someone made in my life by listening to me made me realize the change I can mirror in someone elses life as well. My anxiety and experience with a therapist have led me to pursue a career as a licensed clinical social worker. Attending a public school growing up, I always saw how mental illness affected my classmates in diverse ways through their behavioreach person affected differently. It altered not only their behavior, but school work, home life, and social life as well. Some students felt like it was easier to reach out for help while others felt like it was not an option. While it is amazing that some individuals seek help, it is the individuals who see the stigma attached to mental illness that need someone in their life they can go to. Being able to witness this in high school made me see how substantial a problem it is. However, for a while I believed it only affected adolescents and adults. Being more involved in different areas of society, like work, would only show me how wrong I was. I would later be shown how mental illness affects every age in different forms. Working at an after school program, I quickly noticed behaviors in small children. Some days I would obtain the responsibility to interact with parents. I observed how parents behavior can impact their children regardless of their age difference and life experiences. This added more fire to my passion to become a licensed clinical social worker. This exposure revealed how I would like to help various mental health illnesses at all ages overcome obstacles. A profession such as this is a commitment not only to the individual but an asset to society. The experience of attending my high school and working at an after school program for several years has opened my eyes and mind, thus forever changing my worldview. These experiences along with my ambition are demonstrations of what valuable addition I can bring to the social work program. Currently, I am still working at an after school program and continue to gain a great deal of experience. I believe a Masters in Social Work will prepare me to think strategically and teach me to give excellent service. My personal experiences and challenges through the years have served as the foundation for growth to happen and preparing me for a life of helping others. Although this will be a challenging career, I hope to gain more reward. One thing I understand greatly is that individuals seeking help face challenges obtaining and securing resources. I know when I was deciding if I wanted to see a therapist; it was easy to find the resources and information I needed. However, a major predicament in society is that those with a lack of privilege may not have access to the resources, information, and services that helped me. My professional goal is to work to ensure individuals are educated on these resources and can access them easily and efficiently. As I have thought back on what it was like for me when I sought out help, I also thought about the relationships I have in my life; it meant so much to me to have the support system I did from family and friends. Many people lack the knowledge of the importance of human relationships and how much they can affect our behavior. I would want to make clients have at least one person, besides me, with whom they can build a strong relationship. This will restore a sense of community for them as mental illness can be an isolating disease. As beautiful as this world can be, I also understand the dark sides of it that come with social injustice and oppression. I value the ethics set through the National Association of Social Workers as these take part in working towards eliminating these substantial issues. A few of these standards include cultural awareness, privacy and confidentiality, ensuring client records are accurate, and seeking advice of colleagues through consultation. I acknowledge the importance of these standards because I can relate first hand from my vulnerable experience with my therapist. Passion is the forefront of characteristics that will help me be a successful social worker but also contribute to my academic achievement. It is my belief that everyone has a story they would like to share, and only positive things can be taken from each of them. I will get the opportunity to interact with people I never imagined. Although I believe it takes many skills and characteristics to be a competent social worker, I know the following characteristics can push me toward my goals: my ability to be a critical thinker, active listener, strong empathizer, and operative communicator. Being a critical thinker, I realize every individual is different and mental health diagnosis can manifest itself in different, unique, and complicated ways. I believe my ability to think outside of the box is one tool that will help me develop a promising plan for each individual that will fit his/her needs. Not only can this skill aid in my career but it can foster me academically as well. I am confident I will use different concepts learned in classes throughout my academic journey to reach individuals. My critical thinking skills will work to eliminate areas of oppression, strive to change environments, provide ample support, alter negative thought patterns, and push for a positive outcome. The second characteristic is being an active listener. I know as a well-equipped social worker I will listen effectively. To utilize this skill, I will listen and empathize feeling. Making individuals feel heard will help build a strong rapport. This can help with the issue of diversity, making it possible for a client to be heard and helped, no matter who they are. This means treating clients with equal fairness instead of treating everybody the same, as people have different needs. Active listening can enhance my understanding of all voices desiring to be heard, it can help me understand and prepare for my future career. My third characteristic I believe will help me holistically is empathy. A quote I always found interesting is, I do not ask the wounded person how he feels, I myself become the wounded person, by Walt Whitman. Being able to empathize with someone in my profession can help me understand him/her on a deeper level. I will be able to help and listen to him/her the best way possible by exposing myself to his/her feelings. Having empathy can help further my career by embodying cultural competence. Empathizing will build trust to develop open communication and share resources and to better understand and serve each population. My last characteristic is operative communication. As cognitive behavioral therapy was the best form of help for me, I understand there are various other theoretical models to assist with my client. Having strong communication can very well implement a layer of trust. It can also help the social injustice issue that is still pertinent to society by making sure clients are aware that resources are available. I will use communication and networking to master topics taught through the program, and explore thoroughly. Communication is the key to achieve optimal success. Along with these personal traits, I will utilize many resources available to ensure I will reach my goals. At any time, I know I can reach out to my academic advisor, career center, library resources, professors, and tutors. I will also use the universitys fitness center and health center as keeping up with my health physically and mentally can contribute to my academic success. This goal can be costly as obtaining my Masters will take a lot of money and time. I plan to be working during this time to pay for graduate school, and hope to work in a hospital or facility as a clinical assistant. I know this will help broaden my knowledge as well as prepare myself for the career I have chosen. If I am fortunate enough to start my new journey in life enrolled at The University of Alabama Master of Social Work program, then I will be determined to become a person of integrity stated by Elie Wiesel to make a difference in someones life. Nothing brings me greater joy than my passion for clinical social work. This passion is something I will bring to my classes in the social work program and later to my future career. I look forward to taking on the role of a licensed clinical social worker where I can empower and serve individuals who face mental illness, social injustice, oppression, and the lack of human relationships. I believe I can bring change to individuals lives through my compassion, empathy, reliability, competency, and trust. I believe with a Masters in Social Work, I will make a promising difference in peoples lives who struggle with mental illness. I have had in-depth conversations with friends and family regarding my career choice, and they undoubtedly agree I ha ve the personality and passion for this field of work.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Christopher Columbus The American Exploration - 780 Words
Christopher Columbus had a lot to do with the American exploration. Christopher Columbus was born in Italy in 1451. He studied geography then went out to sea on a journey. He was trying to find a new route from Europe to Asia. He did this because the Europeans wanted spices but it cost too much to get them over land from India and China. He is the man that figured out the world was round. In 1492 he got the king and queen of Spain to finance his journey to find a new sea route. They bought him three small ships. On October ninth a month into the expedition the men were ready to rebel. Columbus agreed to look for land for three more days and turn back. On October twelfth 1492 a sailor cried out that he saw land. They had been at sea for ten weeks. Columbus and the sailors got on a small ship and went to the island. They set foot on what they were going to call the Americas. Columbus thought he was on the coast of Asia. He called the people there Indians which stuck for centuries. He r eturned back Spain with gold and native Americans to show the king and queen. The great navigator made three more trips to the new world. He felt like he said to Asia but felt like a failure because he had not found a shipping route for spices. Columbus died a disappointed man on May twentieth 1506. As a young boy Christopher Columbus always knew he wanted to sail the sea. His brother owned a book and map store. Christopher read all the books to do with navigation. He studied every mapShow MoreRelatedPositive Impact Of Christopher Columbus Discoveries1249 Words  | 5 PagesPositive Impact of Christopher Columbus’ Discoveries The world is a better place because of Christopher Columbus’ important discoveries in the New World. His explorations resulted in the vast expansion of property for Europe, the exchange of goods and cultures between countries and a change in the worldview of geography. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
College Tuition Rising With Every Coming Year Essay Example For Students
College Tuition Rising With Every Coming Year? Essay Why is college tuition rising with every coming year? College has always left a hole in the pockets of those who strive for a higher education to get a better job. The payoff of this higher education would net a person with the job of their dreams and an acceptable pay. Sooner or later, that hole would be refilled, and that college graduate would walk off with a smile on their face. However, it sourly isn’t this simple. College tuition nowadays is still where a high school graduate can go to get their degree in whatever field they choose, but the financial restraints the federal government has been putting on both public and private colleges has been devastating. With the rise of college tuition students have started to be turned off by the notion of expensive education, learning that the federal government has had it’s hand in the mix as been a crazy notion, and wondering how to bring back the much more appreciated inexpensive tuition.College education has always been an expensive business. According to the U.S. Department of Education all institutions, both Public and Private, during 2005-06 had the average of about $17,450 in current dollars for 4-years (â€Å"U.S. Department†). This amount really isn’t that troubling, something a student could pay off in a couple of years. Financial aid for this student would help out tremendously bringing the 4-year starting price down a couple thousand to say the least. However, moving closer to the present, the rise of 2012-13’s prices have moved to $20,234.00 (â€Å"U.S. Department†). That’s a $2,784.00 increase in the last 7 years, so why would college’s need this extra money? To help pay for more deserving classes, extracurricular academics, college improvement projects? These are sorrowfully n. .f he was talking to a handful of colleges it would be expected for them to take initiative (Obama’s Plan Aims to Lower Cost of College). This however was relaid to all college institutes around the country, for every single campus to change how the pay and sell is preposterous. And on the flip side of that, as was stated earlier by Mary Kate Cary, when he signed for it it went up in smoke. The intentions of this were good, however in the act of doing so, sent a generous heap of even more trouble down the line for students.In conclusion, college tuition has risen, quite a bit. Reasons concerning the federal government, our president, and even colleges themselves has left pre-college and college students alike with continued hardship. Hopefully in the near future the people, college boards, and even our government will find a parity over the prices of higher education.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Internationalization of the Business
Introduction In the highly dynamic arena of business, strategic management through internationalization has been an increasingly discussed subject. With regards to internalization of business, strategic management can be generally described as the process of designing a long-term business plan that is aims at realizing organizational goals, sustaining organizational efficacy and producing a work plan that streamlines the operations of the business over a particular (Meldrum, 2000; Hedstrom et al., 1998).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Internationalization of the Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In internationalization, the major focus is normally on expanding the tentacles of a business beyond national borders. This is mostly done for a number of reasons including (but not limited to): help increase markets for our goods and services, take advantage of technological advantages brought by venturing int o other countries, help in reduction of expenditure costs while augmenting the making of profits and encourage business diversifications, among many others (Hurn, 2009 Mintzberg, 1994). In this paper, academic spotlight is going to be on the internationalization of Elecdyne; a Japanese company located in Tokyo. Essentially, Elecdyne has been in operation since 1990 and it mainly deals with electronic consumer goods like VCR players, DVD players, hi-fi equipment, and Stereo equipment, among many others. Initially, the company began with as few as 5 employees. An increase in the demand for its goods and services, however, led to an increase in staff to over 100 workers so as to serve its many clients. Unfortunately, due to a number of challenges that this multinational company has been facing over the recent times, the managers are seeking to internationalize the operations of the company. In doing so, three potential countriesâ€â€Brazil, China and Swedenâ€â€have been chosen for the purpose of this internationalization. A rigorous assessment of the country that is most suitable for this internationalization is going to be done belowâ€â€majorly based on the relevant data that was gathered in assignment one. Even more importantly, appropriate analytical frameworksâ€â€the SWOT and PESTEL analysisâ€â€will be used to undertake a weighted internal and external analysis of these three countries while intermittently comparing them with Japan so as clearly show the country that will be best suited for the internationalization. All these explicative analyses of Brazil, China and Sweden, in relations to Elecdyne’s internationalization agendas, are succinctly done in the section below.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Weighted analysis of the three countries (External Factors) In conducting a weighted analysis of the suitability of Brazil , China and Sweden for Elecdyne’s internationalization, several multidimensional factors come into play. It is for this reason that this section uses the PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Environmental and Legal) analysis so as to do a circumspect analysis of these countries. Notably, the weightings of these countries will be based on the suitability and relevance of these countries to Elecdyne’s planned internationalization structure. The numbers 0, 1, 2 and 3 will be used to show the risk involved whereby 1 signifies less risky (suitable), 2 signifies moderately risky (moderately suitable), and 3 signifies highly risky (less suitable). The more risky a country is, based on the factors stipulated below, the less suitable it is in terms of satisfying Elecdyne’s internationalization plans and vice versa. Political and Legal Political/Legal risk Japan Brazil China Sweden Government Type Parliamentary government Federal republic Federal Republic Constitutio nal monarchy Political Instability 1 2 3 1 War Risks 2 3 3 1 Labor Freedom 1 2 1 2 Stringency of Legal Rules 2 2 2 1 Average 1.5 2.25 2.25 1.25 Economic Economic risks Japan Brazil China Sweden GDP Growth (Purchasing power) Moderately growing 2 Very Slow growth 3 Highly growing 1 Slowly growing 2 Globalization/ Urbanization (more industrialization, equals less risk) Moderately industrialized 2 Least industrialized 3 Highly industrialized 1 Moderately industrialized 2 Inflation (High equals less stability) Moderate Inflation 2 High Inflation 3 Low inflation 1 Moderate inflation 2 Dependency on other countries Moderately dependent 2 Highly dependent 3 Least dependent 1 Moderately dependent 2 Public Debt (low debt equals less risk) Moderate 2 High 3 Low 1 Moderate 2 Inflows of FDI 1 2 1 2 Unemployment (high equals more FDI opportunities) Moderate unemployment levels 2 Moderate unemployment levels 2 Moderate unemployment levels 2 Low unemployment levels 3 Taxes (high taxes equals less potential profits) Moderate taxation 2 Moderate taxation 2 High taxation 3 Moderate taxation 2 Availability of Consumer Electronic Market Moderately available 2 Moderately available 1 Highly available 1 Moderately available 2 Average 1.44 2.44 1.33 2.11 Social/ Cultural/ Environmental Social/ cultural/ environment Risks Japan Brazil China Sweden Accommodating/ Sociable Moderately sociable 2 Highly sociable 1 Highly Sociable 1 Highly Sociable 1 Freedoms (More freedom equals better markets) Moderate freedoms 2 High freedoms 2 Less freedoms 3 High freedoms 1 Equity and equality Moderate 2 High 1 Moderate 2 High 1 Population Density (high equals better) Moderately Populated 2 Densely Populated 1 Densely populated 1 Moderately Populated 2 Average 2 1.25 1.75 1.25 Technology Technological Risks Japan Brazil China Sweden Electronic Technology (thus (easily compatible with Elecdyne Greatly advanced 1 Less advanced 3 Greatly advanced 1 Moderately advanced 2 Need for Technology (thus market availability) Relative need 3 Great need 1 Relative need 3 Moderate need 2 Average 2 2 2 2 Based on the above external analysis (using the PESTEL business tool), the key issues with regards to Elecdyne’s internationalization can be summarized as follows: Risk/Suitability Japan Brazil China Sweden Political and Legal 1.5 2.25 2.25 1.25 Economic 1.44 2.44 1.33 2.11 Social/ Cultural/ Environmental 2 1.25 1.75 1.25 Technological 2 2 2 2 Average 1.985 1.8325 1.6525 Furthermore, the following key factors, regarding Elecdyne’s internationalization, can be deductively represented as follows: Factor Japan Brazil China Sweden Cost minimization 3 3 2 2 Access to technology 1 2 1 1 Market Access/ Size 3 1 1 1 Risk Factors (Economic and Political) 2 3 2 2 Culture Fit 2 1 3 1 Average 2 1.8 1.4 Summary In both summaries, it is indicatively eminent that despite the fact that Brazil, Ch ina and Sweden are viable markets for Elecdyne’s internationalization. In business, the least risks presented by a market, the better it is in terms of facilitating the prospected ideas (Ormanidhi Stringa, 2008). And from the analysis done above, Sweden apparently averages better (the lower the average, the more suitable) and is therefore the best place for implementing Elecdyne’s internationalization plans. Of course there are a couple of instances that both Brazil and China average similarly (like in market access) or better than Sweden but, in overall; Sweden presents a more balanced market for Elecdyne’s internationalization. List of References Hedstrom, G., Poltorzycki, S., Strob, P. 1998. Sustainable development: the next generation of business opportunity. Prism, 4: 5–19.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Internationalization of the Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hu rn, B., 2009. Will international business always speak? Industrial and Commercial Training, 41 (6), 299-304. Meldrum, D., 2000. Country risk and foreign direct investment. Business Economics, 35 (1), 33-41. Mintzberg, H., 1994. The rise and fall of strategic planning: reconceiving roles of planning, plans, planners. New York: Simon and Schuster. Ormanidhi, O. Stringa, O., 2008. Porter’s Model of Generic Competitive Strategies. Business Economics, 43 (3), 55-64. How to Internationalize Having known the most viable country for its market expansion plans, Elecdyne needs to choose a fitting method of internationalizing Sweden. The available options for this venture include licensing, exporting and Foreign Direct Investment (commonly abbreviated as FDI). Choosing the licensing option will be unsuitable based on the fact that majority of Elecdyne’s technological licenses are held by other related companies thus cannot be re-licensed. Although exporting is a good way of acce ssing new marketing avenues, it is known for not being able to reduce costs or improve the access to technologyâ€â€which are two key factorial considerations in internationalization (Thill Bovà ©e, 2008). Resultantly, Elecdyne will not be able to adequately achieve its goals of reducing costs while concomitantly gaining access to technologies. This, therefore, leaves Elecdyne with FDI as its only option. However, in using FDI, several options are availed. These include Joint-venture, merger/acquisition and Greenfield site. A summative SWOT analysis of these three options, with regards to the key factors for internationalization, is given in the table below.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Factor Joint Venture Merger/Acquisition Greenfield site Cost minimization Cost shared with the local partner high integration costs incurred when adapting to parent MNE High liability of newness cost in the verge of adapting to host country Access to technology Partners can easily steal technologies Gives access to new technologies Does not allow access to other’s technologies Market Access/ Size Allows access to new markets Allows access to new markets Allows access to new markets Risk Factors (Economic and Political) Greatly reduces economic and political risks Relatively more economic and political risks when compared to the joint venture Highest political and economic risks in comparison to all other FDIs Culture Fit Culture conflicts can arise occasionally Culture conflicts tend to be prevalent Establishment of independent operating routines reduced culture conflicts Summary Going by the intricacies of these FDI options, the joint venture would best fit S weden. This is because the joint venture presents immense potential cost benefits for Elecdyne who direly need cost minimization more than any other thing. Of course the joint venture is not the best when it comes to technology access and culture fit, but all these can be overlooked based on the relative similarity of Japan and Sweden in terms of their culture and technological progress. Learning institutions like universities tend to provide good markets for electronic equipment. As a recommendation, Elecdyne should therefore prioritize such institutions when sourcing for potential joint-venture partners. List of References Thill J. V., Bovà ©e C. L., 2008. Excellence in business communication. Chicago: Pearson Education Limited. Products to develop Considering reports on the nature of the Swedish market, there is a great need for home entertainment, networking with other people across the world and staying trendy with the latest technological gadgets in the market (George, 2002) . The following products would, therefore, be best for the internationalization in Sweden. Firstly, Sweden has been, reportedly, improved in terms of its access to the internet and more people are increasingly sourcing for internet tools. Providing Wi-Fi and broadband items to the targeted Swedish market would perform greatly. This will satiate the need to network with the rest of the world (Windsperger, 2004). Secondly, the use of satellite televisions and LCD TVs has been greatly received across the world. Providing these to the Swedish market would be hugely rewarding based on the fact that few companies in Sweden can manufacture such products. A majority of the public thus relies on exports from countries like USA (Hennigan, 2010). Providing such products at a fair price would, undoubtedly, be a great success. In addition, owning products of this nature would satisfy the need to stay trendy. Thirdly and lastly, for the purposes of home entertainment, providing video game equipme nts for popular games played across the worldâ€â€would be very effective. Today, video games are played not only by children but even adults. Providing these games to the enthusiastic and receptive Swedish market would definitely result in huge successâ€â€in terms of costs as well as socialization (Allwood, 2003). As glimpsed before, the Swedish market is a highly enthusiastic market that easily accepts changeâ€â€especially when it comes to beneficial stuff. So apart from these three prioritized products, other products and services can also be provided for purposes of maximizing the potential of the Swedish market (Hedstrom et al. 1998). However, if only one product is to be selected, the video game console, providing internet equipment like WI-FI would be my best pick based on the bon-fire effect it has had across the world. Conclusion From the analysis and discussions that have presented in this paper, it is inherently clear that the process of internationalization is a highly involving one that needs several factors to be cautiously considered. Additionally, all these factorsâ€â€whether internal or externalâ€â€are interdependently related to one another and in order to succeed in internationalization; all of them should be precariously factored. For example, through political and legal stability in the external environment, economic markets can be easily controlled. Again, technological advances and developments in information, communication, and technology have also been able to greatly affect internal business processes. A good example is the replacement of human labor with computers which are able to do certain jobs easily and devoid of errors. Consequently, in its internationalization agendas, Elecdyne should ensure that all these factors are well implemented so as to facilitate the success of its operations. List of References Allwood, J., 2003. Are there Swedish patterns of communication? Web. George, Y. S., 2002. Gender, science, and technology in higher education and research in Sweden: five years after national policies implementation. Web. Hedstrom, G., Poltorzycki, S., Strob, P. 1998. Sustainable development: the next generation of business opportunity. Prism, 4: 5–19. Hennigan, M., 2010. Sweden tops rankings of global technology report for first time; Ireland remains at 24th rank behind Belgium and United Arab Emirates. Web. Windsperger, J., 2004. Economics and management of franchising networks. OH: Springer. This report on Internationalization of the Business was written and submitted by user Kody D. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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